I don't know about you, but I always read my horoscope to see how my day is rated. I then compare it to how I think my day will go or how my day went. It usually coincides with my mood, but I know it's all a bunch of hooey.
That point was brought home to me on Black Friday. My Salt Lake Tribune horoscope read: "As you
set out to do some Christmas shopping, allow your creativity to emerge.
You could be overwhelmed by everything you have to do. Nothing can ease
the pressure like diving right in, but remember to maintain your budget.
Tonight: Be naughty and nice." 4 stars.
But I didn't participate in Black Friday. I had a Green Friday. My hubby and I went south out of town to Blackrock Mountain on the Arizona Strip. We hiked on the northern part of the Parashant National Monument and came upon a gigantic bull skeleton. We reasoned that he probably had a good, long life and died under a huge ponderosa pine. No feed lot for him.
The only people we saw the entire day (including the drive out and back) were 5 seniors from Mesquite, Nevada who were out exploring the back country on their golf-cart ATVs. We were greeted with: "I'm not lost, but I don't know where I am." So my husband explained the roads to them while I chatted with a husband and wife encased in a plastic breathing mask--did I tell you that the Arizona Strip is almost all dirt roads? It was all rather strange. But I digress.
On my birthday, I got the worst "day you were born" horoscope ever. This is also from the Salt Lake Tribune. "This
year you often become angry and frustrated if you feel that others are
not being as sensitive as you would like them to be. Recognize that you
are more dynamic than in past years. People could be taken aback by this
new strength and energy."
What kind of horoscope is that?? Should I just undergo a lobotomy and get it over with?? Start psychotherapy? Take valium? Where is the helpful advice in that?
But I like my sign: Sagitarius. And my purpose: make a difference in the world. It also fits in nicely with my personality, which is INFP or INFJ depending upon the day. (This is from the Myers-Briggs Personality Profile. If you want to learn your own personality profile, here is a great website: http://www.mypersonality.info/ ). Again, I digress.
Way back in the Dark Ages I had my personal Star Chart done by a Czechoslovakian gypsy I met at a youth hostel while traveling in Greece. After days of analysis and discussion about what type of person I was and what I would become, he finally realized that he did not figure the hour of my birth properly. It was an hour or two off, which made everything different. He was too frustrated to go back and re-do it but I still have a copy of what I could have been if only I was born at the correct time.
Looking at it rationally, why should a daily horoscope fit one out of every 12 people on the earth on that particular day? Or the birth date horoscope fit one out of every 365 1/4 people (I'm looking at Leap Year when I say that)? Isn't the lining up and pull of the planets different on various places around the world?
And why should that particular arrangement of faraway planets determine my life's journey? Don't the effect of barometer highs and lows surrounding us every day have any say in the matter? Now I'm really digressing.
In spite of all my ranting, I just checked my horoscope. It has nothing to do with what I am going to do today, but it least my day is rated 4 stars!